11 year old JAKE was hidden away in a garage to offer protection from a domestic violence situation. He needed an immediate exit out to long-term safety – there was no time to waste. Within 48 hours, Jake arrived into Rescue. And we quickly discovered urgent medical needs removing an awful growth from his rump, thankfully benign and then tackling his heartworm disease.
Abandoned and barely alive, BRETT at age 9, was left for dead on the side of the road. This horrible case of malnutrition was beyond comprehension. Severe spinal issues and trauma led Brett to become a Resident of the GLEN HIGHLAND SENIOR SANCTUARY. He remains a very delicate and vulnerable dog from so many years of awful neglect and injury, but he is NOW a gorgeous healthy-looking Border Collie.
MAX, at age 10 was so far from vibrancy on arrival, we feared we would lose him from the obvious years of severe malnutrition and neglect. Living in a condemned structure with homeless people, drugs and alcohol left Max at serious risk. He was very wary and defensive showing signs of abusive treatment. Interactions with Max triggered him to shake, tremble and/or growl and snap. He required extreme patience step-by-step to build trust.
Still healing from emotional trauma, Max is a resident of the Senior Sanctuary - he is well loved and carefully monitored for progressing health issues.
Petite PRIM, age 9, barely survived living on the streets. Grossly underweight with no muscle mass, she had a wobbly, weak gait that needed orthopedic attention as well as pain relief. Plus, PRA had already compromised her eyesight to near blindness. Through all her challenges, she won the heart of a Glen Highland Caretaker who could handle her needs.
IRIE, age 12, was alone on the streets starving and very weak. Once in Glen Highland’s care, his medical needs led to surgical removal of an abnormal growth in his abdomen, thankfully benign. Full diagnostics confirmed he was healthy and adoptable.
Irie’s happiness soared once back in loving hands when his foster family decided he was already home. |
His immediate health needs were obvious with a mass the size of a cantaloupe. Unfortunately, it is a malignant mast cell tumor - a challenging cancer. Known for ‘exploding’ when ‘bothered’, even the aspirate used to confirm the cancer type was risky. The mass began a year ago, only the size of a quarter.
Thankfully, Oreo's chest x-rays are clear so the cancer has not yet moved to his lungs. Obviously he is going to have a very shortened lifespan, likely only months. This type of cancer is generally not painful, but he can have a very aggressive downturn at any time. |
For now, the Glen Highland team has made Oreo super comfortable with his very own UNI-BRA! A single bra (EE) cup contraption was created to hold the huge dangling and irritating mass out of the way. Oreo is really enjoying the freedom of normal movement! A STAFF t-shirt adds a little extra support over his shoulders. Of course he loves being on duty!
While the need for an adult only home is very typical, life dealt SKY more obstacles. A previous life-threatening auto-immune disease made adopters fearful of huge costs and/or early death, compounding the children issues. These problems were stalling any chance for help so Glen Highland said YES when everyone else said NO.
We knew her life was hanging in balance with nowhere to go. From outward appearances, she was stable and spunky, a playful happy dog. Little did we know, there was more. Months after arrival, another blow... she was diagnosed with inoperable aggressive bladder cancer. SKY needed us even more…
Kody required fast and significant veterinary care. Vetting revealed badly compromised eyesight, severe ear infections leading to deafness, very painful mobility issues and ghastly dental disease. |
While a shelter had plucked him to safety, only the SENIOR SANCTUARY could provide long-term healing.
Now with pain medication, great food and lots of love on board, this stunning handsome guy struts his stuff, albeit slow and measured.
We sincerely thank you for caring by donating today!
No amount is too small… it all adds up together, doubled to reach our goal!
Wishing you & your family, both two-legged and four, a joy-filled summer season! |