We are so happy for BOBBY…he has found the nicest place to now call home! He is with a long time adoptive family who live in Massachusetts all on the same street set up like a family compound. They’ve had four Glen Highland rescues and now open their homes and hearts to a Senior!!

Bobby will be the 24/7 companion to the Mom of the family who welcomes the healing company of this sweet boy after loosing her husband recently. Their first meeting is a classic Bobby hello! He now can give his heart and soul again to another woman who needs his special gift plus all the relatives who visit, too!

Every person who met Bobby since he landed at Glen Highland just found him to be the most amazing ‘old-soul healer’ so we know he landed perfectly! Bobby will also have two Border Collie pals visiting each day so he has the very best paradise of all!

A special thanks to Vicki Buono who kindly drove from Virginia to get Bobby closer to his new home.


At age 11, BOBBY made the long 24 hour haul from Louisiana to Virginia for the safe refuge he needed after the unexpected death of his person. After being the loyal friend to the one person he deeply adored, we can see he is thinking about all that’s so quickly changed. Confused but bravely moving forward, this sweet fella will find his way as they all do. Being smart has its advantages and disadvantages, but once Bobby figures all this out, we’re sure he will flourish.

He is a big ball boy and enjoying playing again so is already having some fun! Once a Border Collie realizes we get ‘who they are’, then it’s game on! Bobby is very good with other dogs, having lived with 10 of various breeds from tiny to huge (ie; malamute to rat terrier). He is also good with cats, chickens, goats and horses. His former FurMom ran a shelter for many years and took in animals with nowhere to go.

We are thankful that Bobby is heartworm negative and has great hearing and sight and seemingly a strong back-end for running! We’ll support his health needs to bring him into better shape handling ear and skin infections from a flea infestation.

Tearful in a bittersweet moment of goodbye, the daughter of Bobby’s guardian said she felt like she was ‘losing her Mom all over again’ saying goodbye to Bobby. He was a constant loving presence in both of their lives for the past eleven years.

We are very happy to help this Border Collie fill his heart and ready himself to love another!

Many thanks to Elaine Kilgore who evaluated him for us and Aiyana Persinger & Tim Mills who awoke to meet the transport at 4am in western VA, then getting him safely the rest of the way.