It was a hard day Tuesday 9/28/21 saying goodbye MILES. Thankfully we had time to prepare for Miles
... sadly his liver had been failing in the past few weeks. He was clearly lethargic, much weaker, really grouchy and suffering which was not his personality at all - his liver was only working at less than 50% capacity. The progression was fast and tough on him.

This normally happy, smiling boy shared so much joy with everyone which was evident in the final moments when two of the vet team made a special trip out to the car to give him a hug and kiss on the head - they just adored him - he was a frequent visitor there with all his health challenges and they were just heartbroken knowing he was not coming again.

We are just as heartbroken because watching the transformation of his medical nightmare into a buoyant, good-natured, healthy, really care-free guy was amazing…a true celebration of a great year where he could now leave in peace…we would have loved more time with this comical fellow.

Miles had the best last day…we shared the plans with him and he got it…playing like a puppy again on his final day, eating like a champ and then at the door, truly, AT the door, ready to head out with a nod for his next journey to begin. All of the dogs at Glen Highland talk to Lillie as an animal communicator and in the final moments of their exit, what they have to say and how they respond to their departure is stunning…

Miles was a classic… a massive thank you, it was great and ‘gotta go’…I have more to do on the other side…just as he passed, a graceful, quiet energy filled the back of the car where he laid and we knew deeply inside our hearts that he was right where he needed to be…MILES, like so many of the Border Collies, is a ‘heart-worker’ and had another job to do. We do not know what or with whom but HE definitely was ready to tackle the ‘next’.




Sweet MILES is now 11 years old and is having a great first year in rescue with improved health and lots of fun, but he had a rough life for sure. He arrived a complete mess with the worst ear infection that was oozing and smelled horrible. Not even a Q-tip could fit down the ear channel due to swelling and damage. Untreated for who knows how long, the pain was awful for him. He cried woefully with any touch around his head to even look inside those ears, so had to be sedated at first in order to proceed with vet needs.

It took almost 9 months to gain any healing in his ears but the harm had been done so he has chronic ear problems that require monitoring and treatments. Miles had also suffered from itching that was so awful, he was ripping hair right off his skin in massive clumps and chewing himself raw til his skin bled. We’ve uncovered severe food allergies and that issue, like his ears, have improved dramatically.

But, that is not the real health issue facing Miles... it’s his liver. In our geriatric screening of bloodwork and urine, we conducted an ultrasound and found a very small, dark liver meaning that organ suffered trauma. The vet surmised it was ingestion of something that led to the current diseased state.

We knew instantly that Miles would be best served as a Sanctuary Resident due to his medical condition involving his liver. He will not have a long life though it’s hard to say how long. He’s on supplements and a special diet to slow the progression but have noticed he is more fatigued now than several months ago.

Fortunately, Miles is a happy, go-lucky character who has flourished with other dogs around, as well as the consistency in his care. He eats a Prescription duck-based limited ingredient diet. And, he is as pain-free as we can possibly make him. Miles is enjoying the best food, good canine pals, lots of toy play and plenty of cuddling, truly transformed by coming to Glen Highland. His original situation is unclear but he was confiscated due to a domestic violence situation when police intervened. The Virginia Animal Control team were happy to see this nice guy have a better life.