Glen Highland Farm
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Eight young Border Collies in horrible shape are now starting a new journey

• Heartworm disease • Severe anemia from flea infestation
• Malnourishment from heavy parasite loads
• Hair loss, skin and ear infections

They lived the only life they ever knew…
as part of a backyard breeder situation in North Carolina.

Glen Highland jumped in to help this group of dogs

This action lifted the pressure of such a large influx of dogs. Local BC rescues were already burdened, totally full because adoptions have slowed and foster homes are jammed.

Border Collies are at-risk, just as all dogs are now
The current nationwide crisis in animal welfare with more pets coming in than going out leaves rescues struggling to cope, as well as shelters begging for help.
Glen Highland introduces...
LUKE'S FUND to help younger Border Collies in crisis situations
LUKE'S FUND was started 3 years ago thanks to two donors
LUKE’S FUND provides up to $10,000 each year to Border Collie Rescues anywhere in the U.S.
We are so grateful for the funds to do so.
LUKE'S FUND was created to honor LUKE, the first BC at Glen Highland
As we reach out to also support younger age Border Collies through LUKE’S FUND, GLEN HIGHLAND in Virginia continues operating the only Rescue and Senior Sanctuary fully devoted to Seniors.
The Fund in action: 2024 in North Carolina

Thankfully, all vetting could be done then, too.
Two weeks insured proper diagnostics and care:

• Full labwork • X-rays • Ultrasounds • Deworming • Vaccines
• Antibiotics • Meds for pain relief • Medicated baths

With two dogs, humane euthanasia was warranted due to painful trauma prior to arrival in rescue. The puppies were also held awaiting an outbreak of parvo, which thankfully did not happen.

All the dogs clearly benefited from excellent medical treatment before moving into Rescue.

Atlantic Region Central BC Rescue, Blue Ridge BC Rescue, and Carolina BC Rescue each took in one dog from this group.

GLEN HIGHLAND was the only option for the remaining five dogs. Though they were not senior age, we wanted to help.

Meet the North Carolina Dogs
The Fund in action: 2023 in Kentucky

They had an intake of 24 puppies under four months, eight 7-month old dogs, and six 13-month old dogs, which included two hospital cases in quarantine.

While some vetting took place at the shelter, the rescue care included 38 kennel cough cases, spay/neuter of every dog, along with treatment for parasites, giardia, eye injuries, severe skin issues, and booster shots. All of the group found new lives, thankfully young and resilient.

Total cost to Clancy’s: $24,850 less $10K from LUKE'S FUND.

The Fund in action: 2022 in Minnesota
  • Three 12-week old malnourished puppies with pneumonia needed rescue
  • A 6-month old Border Collie dumped
    by a breeder with a significant leg/foot injury
  • A 9-month old female from an Indian Reservation suffering from severe trauma to her neck from suspected kicks required an MRI
  • Five other Border Collies from a domestic abuse situation
So many rescuers are tirelessly working to help Border Collies
Thank you for supporting Border Collie Rescues and
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